Awesome Aroids: The Araceae Family

If you're a verified #aroidaddict or #crazyplantperson, you know what we're talking about when we refer to aroids. But that doesn't mean there is any shame in not knowing and chances are you have one or two of these guys in your Plant Fam anyway!

An Aroid is essentially any plant in the Araceae Family. This includes plants like Epipremnums, Monsteras, Philodendrons, Rhaphidophora, Syngoniums, Alocacias and a whole heap more. With family members like these, its easy to see why people get hooked on aroids - its kind of like looking at a festival lineup and seeing all your favourite acts on the one bill.

With this in mind, and considering we're well over due for a Plant Care post, we thought it was time we covered these guys. 

Aroids can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They grow in a wide range on environments and climates - from aquatic conditions like rivers to tropical rain forests or high elevation environments. Most of the aroids we see in the home are from tropical climates. One thing that ties all these plants together is their inflorescence (basically, a collection of flowers grouped together that it looks like one single flower). All aroid inflorescences have a spadix and a spathe. The best way I've heard it be described is like a finger with a hood around it. You've probably seen this on a Peace Lilly before (yup, another aroid!) but chances are you won't have seen it on many other aroids in your home. Mostly, aroids are grown for their incredible and varied foliage and their inflorescence is actually rarely seen or simply insignificant. 

Aroids are also toxic to people and pets so try not to nibble. This is because their leaves actually contain calcium oxalate crystals which form fibres similar to asbestos.  

Oh! One more thing - all aroids can be propagated in water. Think about any indoor plant you've propagated by taking a cutting and letting it root in water. Probably an aroid!


Aroids love reasonable humidity, shady environments (indirect sunlight), good draining specialised potting mix


Keep moist over the growing season. I like to stick a finger into the mix to see how things are going. You can reduce watering during winter. Keep an eye on the foliage as it can give signs of under watering (drooping) or over watering (yellowing). 


Fertiliseregularly while the plant is actively growing.


They're often referred to as low light plants but medium light is ideal. Definitely keep them out of the direct sunlight as you will notice the leaves start to burn. 

Heads up!

Aroids can be susceptible to scale and mealy bugs to wipe down your leaves regularly and deal with any pests as soon as the first signs show up 


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