Saving your indoor plants from an untimely demise

Here at The Plant Runner plant care is in our nature - we’ve got green stuff running through our veins. 

Sure, our degrees in horticulture taught us the Latin names of plants, but we know that doesn’t mean a lot when you need to  ensure your plants flourish and add character to your home. You didn’t painstakingly pick out those plants, pick the perfect spot for them and maybe even give them a name thinking that they’d suddenly wilt, turn brown, drop leaves or shrivel up entirely.

There’s no shame in it — we’ve all had our fair share of plants meet their end while in our care.

But keeping your plants alive and thriving is simple when you’ve got the right tools and the right knowledge.

That’s why, as 2 experienced Horticulturalists, we’re on a mission to make plant care easier and more beautiful with our curated selection of functional accessories, good quality materials and easy to understand info.  

In short, we’re making dirty work delightful.

Good for your plants, Good for the planet

We wouldn’t be very good plant people if we didn’t also do as much as we could to minimise our impact on the environment.

As proud 1% For The Planet members, 1% of all sales (regardless of profitability) are donated to environmental causes and organisations.

Beyond donating, we’re also obsessively waste considered — which means minimising plastic and being as sustainable as possible, from Day One. Just a few ways we walk the sustainable walk:

• Our range of Plant Runner products comes in beautiful glass bottles instead of plastic

• Orders are packaged using recyclable paper tape and, when necessary, eco-friendly packing peanuts

• We don’t stock or create anything we, as 2 experienced horticulturalists and avid plant lovers, wouldn’t use ourselves

• We try not to stock products made from plastic, or that rely heavily on environmentally UN-friendly packaging

• Where possible, we work with local businesses for product development, parts and packaging to reduce our carbon footprint

• We work with a bank that doesn’t invest in fossil fuels, instead putting money into renewables and the local community

We also know there’s always room to improve and are constantly evaluating what we’re doing, and how we can do better.  We’re always learning and love feedback or suggestions, so feel free to contact us!

Our Values

Jargon Free Experts

We are qualified horticulturalists who bond with people over love of plants, not Latin names.

We share our knowledge in clear and accessible language to give plant-lovers the control over their own leafy destiny.


Our products are made with premium ingredients - so your plants get the best.  

Alongside our own range we have curated a selection of accessories, tools and materials that reflect craftsmanship, quality and longevity. You won’t find these items down at the local shop - they’re as unique as the plants they serve. These items are designed to be part of a lifestyle, proudly used and displayed - not hidden in a garden shed.

People focused

We treat our relationships with our customers and retailers like we do with our plants - meaningful, enduring and enriching. We’re hands on the tools in our business, supporting our customers over time at markets, at events and online. Talking with customers about plants is what we live for.