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Our Cacti mix has been created especially for these sun lovers, and is a mix that enhances drainage, increases evaporation and replicates the conditions that these prickly guys love.
Cacti and succulents are traditionally found in arid sandy places (you’ve got a mental image of a desert for a reason) and the cacti’s shallow roots are used to loose, well draining soils. The stuff you find at the local garden shop isn’t usually the best, often made with cheap ingredients that clump around the roots and lead to root rot. So - we’ve spent some time designing the ultimate soil mix for Succulents and Cacti so they can stay alive and thrive.
Thisspecialty potting mix will allow any excess moisture to drain off after your prickly friends have soaked up what they need. This helps minimise fungal disease and root rot. We’ve included aslow release fertiliser to help them settle in faster too.
Please note: We cannot ship the potting mix into Western Australia, Northern Territory or Tasmania due to quarantine restrictions
Ingredients:Composted bark, sand, scoria, slow release fertiliser
Weight:3kg (approx)
Pots up: approximately 8 small pots (130mm) or 2 medium pots (170mm)
When potting, use terracotta pots.Terracotta is porus and retains heat more than glazed or plastic pots
When repotting cacti, don’t water them immediately. Let them adjust to their new pots and give them a drink a couple of weeks later. Repot every 3-4 years when the roots reach the edge of the pot.
Each box contains a ‘how to’ guide for potting up cacti.