Syngonium podophyllum: A Plant Care Guide

You may not have heard of it, but you've most definitelyseen it. The Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum) is a fast growing, crazy rewarding, highly underrated, climbing plant that should indeed be a part of your plant fam. 

These guys are part of that superstar family, Araceae, and hail from the South American tropics (Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico and the West Indies) and while it starts off small and compact, with age it will begin to vine making it perfect for hanging baskets or supporting with a totem. The leaves will change with age too, with younger, juvenile foliage being more small and ovate while larger, mature leaves are longer and more lobed,  reaching lengths of anywhere between 12 to 35cm. 

And if you're still on the fence, these guys can be found in a wide range of colours, from lime green and white (White Butterfly), to pink (Pink Syngonium), to deep purple (Maria Allusion).

(word of warning though, these guys are regarded as environmental weeds in many states across Australia, so best keep them potted)


Light and Temperature

Being semi-tropical, these guys are going to prefer warm, humid conditions. But they are surprisingly hardy and can tolerate colder temperatures when allowed to adjust (I've had a Pink Syngonium in my open courtyard all winter - still cranking!). 

They will thrive if given bright, indirect light but keep them clear of direct sun. They can also be quite happy in medium to low light, making them a versatile plant around the home. (Quick tip: the lower the light, the more chlorophyll required, so think about picking a plant with more green and less variegation)

Potting Media and Repotting

A good, well draining potting mix. Being aroids, they will benefit from a specialised Aroid Mix. Syngoniums will do quite well in smaller pots, especially if provided with a totem to stretch its legs a little. If growth has stopped, that's a sign it could be time to step it up a pot. We recommend potting up every second Spring. 


Syngoniums should not be allowed to completely dry out while actively growing, so the potting media should be kept slightly moist at all times. Over winter, watering can be cut back a bit as they can become susceptible to root rot. 


Syngoniums are prolific growers, and require regular feeding for them to really shine. Feeding with a liquid fertiliser twice a month over Spring and Summer is perfect. Don't be surprised if your Syngonium continues to push out new growth during Winter too - if it does, feed monthly. But only while actively growing.


Syngoniums can be propagated from cuttings, or division, or even air layering. 


Pests and Diseases

Syngoniums are relatively tough and aren't super susceptible to pests and diseases. Keep an eye for Aphids and Spider Mites, especially if your plant is not at optimal health. 

Brown Leaves

If you're finding some of the leaves are starting to crisp up - increase that humdity. Think about putting the plant on a tray of pebbles and water or investing in a humidifier


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