Why we love Neem Oil for our Indoor Plants

With the launch of our latest product,The Plant Runner Neem Oil, we’ve been overwhelmed with the positive response its had across the country, from our retailers, from their customers, and from our customers.
But we’re also aware that it's not something everybody knows about. Unlike our  plant food, it might not be so obvious as to why you and your plants need it and what it actually does. If that sounds like you, read on!
Neem oil is actually a byproduct from the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), a native tree to the Indian subcontinent (India, Nepalm Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Maldives).Our neem is cold pressed to retain all its proteins, vitamins and trace elements.  
So why do we need it?
Our Neem Oil is sold as a ‘leaf shine’. Many people don’t realise how important it is to wipe down the leaves of their indoor plants on a regular basis. Like all things in the house they can gather dust, and as the dust sits on the leaves it can block out sunlight preventing them from photosynthesising to their full capacity, as well as blocking the pores in the leaves meaning your plant won’t be able to breath! In nature, this doesn’t happen as the wind and rain takes care of the cleaning duties, but at home it’s up to you. Using our Neem Oil and a damp cloth, spray the foliage of your plant and wipe down the leaves. This will remove any dust and give your foliage a brilliant health shine. The plant will also benefit from those proteins, vitamins and trace elements the Neem contains.
Neem oil is often used as natural pest deterrant, although our neem is not registered as a pesticide with the APVMA. It has been used to manage pests like Aphids, Mealy Bug, Mites, Scale and Fungus Gnats, although it is not a registered pesticide. It’s completely safe to use around children and pets and won’t harm any beneficial insects like bees, butterflies and ladybugs.
Our premixed Neem Oil is easy to use and has a shelf-life of 18 months after mixing. Usually, mixing Neem oil with water will give you 1-4 days max before the Neem won’t be effective, meaning you’ll be mixing small quantities on a regular basis. Our product is mixed with plant-based oils to help extend the life of the Neem even after mixing, meaning all you need to do is spray and wipe when necessary.

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