Philodendron gloriosum: A Plant Care Guide

If you've been floating around any sort of plant-focused social media, you've probably come across thePhilodendron gloriosum(occasionally referred to as the Anthurium Gloriosum or Velvet Philodendron). Another (awwesome) aroid, the Gloriosum is just rare enough to give you some of that sweet 'Plant Boss' cred but easy enough to look after you won't be loosing any sleep over its plant care routine.

The Gloriosum is a tropical plant and a non-climber. Instead, it has a crawling rhizome that likes to be partly exposed out of the soil as it moves horizontally across the ground. But if you're after that quick-foliage fix, you'll be disappointed as the Gloriosum is a slow performer. That being said, with foliage like this most people are happy to wait. 



The P. gloriosum loves a bright space with indirect light. They will, however, tolerate lower light spaces, but keep out of direct sunlight as this will cause the foliage to burn. 

'Leggy' gloriosums (that is, larger distances between petioles on the rhizome) is an indicator that the plant is not getting enough light. 


These guys love loose, well draining soil. Always use a specialty  Aroid Mix, with pH between 6-7.5 is ideal.


As with most Aroids, the P. gloriosum prefers to be kept moist, so keep an eye on it over summer and check the soil regularly until you have an idea of how much and how often you need to water it. During winter, you can allow the top inch of the potting mix to dry out before watering. If the leaves start drooping, it can mean overwateringor underwatering, so check the potting mix and adjust accordingly. 


Feed monthly over Spring and Summer (or while the plant is actively growing) with an  Indoor Plant Food. Over winter, you could feed it once over three months. 

Temperature (and Humidity)

Best kept at a temperature between 12 and 30°C, and pay extra attention in winter when temperatures drop. They are happiest in humidity of 60-80%, and while they can tolerate lower levels (like 40%), you might think about purchasing a humidifier if it gets any drier.


Bonus Bits

  • Gloriosums are easy to propagate via stem cutting or air layering. If you wish to propagate, do so in Spring or early summer, and (if doing a stem cutting) make sure there are at least three leavers left of the mother plant after cutting. 
  • When potting up, make sure the rhizome is not completely under the soil, as this can lead to root rot.
  • these are SLOW growers so be patient - it can take up to a month for leaves to unfurl sometimes

1 Response



September 27, 2022

good article about Philodendron gloriosum.

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